Thursday, August 4, 2011

Quote of the Day- August 4, 2011

Freedom makes a huge requirement of every human being. With freedom comes responsibility. For the person who is unwilling to grow up, the person who does not want to carry is own weight, this is a frightening prospect.
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Freedom is the ability to do as one chooses. It is a right of man that should not be taken away. Rights that we are born with are always present. If we choose to accept the freedom, then we are also accepting responsibility for whatever our actions may bring. Freedom, though given, must be fought for. When we are young, are parents take care of us, yet as we grow older we are slowly given more of the freedom we were born with the right to have. Freedom, if one does not grow to accept the responsibility that comes with it, is with- held and perhaps taken away forever. I will not delve too deep in the role of government in our freedom. Government was created to protect the rights of man. Let me ask you, though: is it still doing that today. I could be bombarded with insults concerning my empathy for the human race. I could be scorned for not agreeing that the government should extend things like healthcare to it's citizens. While that is all well and good, I don't believe that this is the government's job. We are babies being coddled by the government, believing that the government can make everything better. We are the teenagers of society, demanding that we be given freedom, but not willing to accept the full responsibility that comes with it. Movements are held by men who have accepted this freedom that their ancestors fought for, that they have been born into. Meanwhile, the rest of us whine about how the government can't fulfill our every need. Not willing to accept responsibility for the livelihood of your rights is a sure reason to have them taken away. Government, the "protector", feels a responsibility to extend that power to take care of it's citizens. Power is a dangerous thing. Government was not created to rule in the U.S., but to protect. In order to keep the rights of man that one is born with from being taken away, the people must stand up and accept the responsibility for their livelihoods and the livelihoods of others: their brothers and sisters in this country. If they sit back, they may find themselves without any rights at all. 

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